Paris — New York

Barry Flanagan
Quand Barry rencontre Jarry

March 9 - April 29, 2023
38 avenue Matignon, Paris
In 1964, Barry Flanagan was 23 years old. He had already received a classical art education in Birmingham, had all sorts of odd jobs (antique dealer, cook, model, film set designer, etc.) and hung out with poets. He moved to London, had Phillip King and Anthony Caro as teachers at St Martin’s School, and started a small avant-garde magazine Silâns. That’s when Barry met Jarry. Picking up an issue of the Evergreen Review devoted to ‘Pataphysics that a poet friend had given him in 1962, Flanagan was delighted by the extracts from the Exploits and Opinions of Dr Faustroll, Pataphysician by Alfred Jarry that he discovered there. This ‘revelation’ of the ‘science of imaginary solutions’ and the discovery of the saga of Jarry’s Père Ubu would inform much of what he would create over the next 45 years.

Like Alfred Jarry (1873-1907), independence and radical creative freedom are the thread that runs through his work, from Hole in the Sea in 1969 to Monument to Letters in 2005. Unpredictable and unclassifiable, subtle and deadpan, practising the art of the wink, such is the artist who will be (re)discovered through this selection of sculptures, textile works, drawings and prints brought together in collaboration with the Barry Flanagan Estate.

Barry Flanagan was born in Prestatyn (Wales) in 1941 and died in Ibiza in 2009. He is one of the great sculptors of the last third of the twentieth century, famous throughout the world for his hares represented as thinkers, dancers, acrobats, etc., present in many public spaces on every continent. His work can be found in major museums around the world.

Exhibition views

Exhibition view:"Barry Flanagan : Quand Barry rencontre Jarry". © The Estate of Barry Flanagan / Courtesy Galerie Lelong & Co.  Photo: Fabrice Gibert.
Exhibition view:"Barry Flanagan : Quand Barry rencontre Jarry". © The Estate of Barry Flanagan / Courtesy Galerie Lelong & Co.  Photo: Fabrice Gibert.

Visit the exhibition from home.

Explore through this virtual visit, the exhibition "Quand Barry rencontre Jarry" by Barry Flanagan (March 9, 2023 - April 29, 2023) at 38 avenue Matignon, Paris.

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